Sunday, December 30, 2018

Pick Up A Reason To Change In The New Year

The end of an old year and the beginning of a new one is the best time to pick up a few good reads that are both inspirational and encouraging. Here is a list of all of the books I have written to help improve the lives of those who read. I have written on topics such as strategic planning, financial management, spiritual growth, and even a couple of books of poetry. There is something for everyone so why not take the time to realize that financial wellness encompasses personal and spiritual growth.

The Plan is a book packed with information that will improve your relationships and equip you to be an agent of restoration. The information contained within this book will change how you view those around you who are struggling with life's difficulties. It will open your eyes to see the needs of others in ways you never knew you could.

The Plan Supplement: In his blockbuster book The Plan, Ken Rupert walks you through the dynamics of building relationships that are focused on restoring broken people to wholeness. The Plan Supplement provides you with the logistics of how to develop M.E.N.S. Network groups within your church or organization.

Simple Wealth Building Strategies: What you do today will have a direct impact on where you end up tomorrow. In a world of uncertainty, having a strategy for building wealth is a necessity. Wealth is less about how much you earn and more to do with what you do with what you earn. It is behavior that is predictive of a person's ability to turn the average income into a lifetime of wealth.

The Change Quotient: Change is everywhere and if you learn how to welcome it into your life, you will accomplish things you once only dreamed were possible. This workbook walks you through a rather detailed process of learning how to manage change with an optimal mindset. Those who can optimize their performance, create focus, increase accountability, and drive results all have one thing in common. They welcome change as a path to achievement.

The M.E.N.S. Network 31 Day Devotional Book 1: This devotional has been writing with men in mind. Each passage of scripture has been carefully selected to speak to the hearts of men who seek to image Jesus Christ. The purpose of The M.E.N.S. Network is to Mentor, Encourage, Nurture, and Strengthen men to live beyond themselves and influence others with the word of God.

God, I was wondering… Assuming that God exists and you were to meet Him face to face, what one question would you ask Him if you had the chance? This was the premise upon which this book was written. Atheists, agnostics, and theists contributed by submitting questions that they would ask God if they had the opportunity. Each question is answered and probes the depths of God's word. Although this is not a doctrinal book, it is written from a Christian perspective.

Empathy: "Don't do for me, that which I can do for myself. Do for me what I am incapable of doing for myself." This is the heart cry of someone who is struggling with life's problems. This is what God did through Jesus Christ when He set aside His glory, entered into the reality of His creation, and provided a path of reconciliation for you. In this is the heart of empathy.

10 Aspects of Finding Your Niche: When I was in my twenties, a colleague of mine said “eventually you will find your niche.” He was referring to that place where who you are aligns with what you do. For me, the journey has been a long and arduous road, filled with potholes, debris, and wrong turns. However, after years of studying and gathering information, I have learned that it is not about aligning who you are with what you do. It is actually quite the opposite. Finding your niche is about aligning what you do with who you are.

Strategic Goals: Personal success doesn't just happen. This book guides you through the process of developing a strategic plan that allows you to succeed. These principles are tried and true. You will learn how to create a consistent structure to your success by using the model for strategic goals outlined in this book. You will learn concepts such as Roadmapping, Scorecarding, and Paradigming. You will also learn the three pathways of strategic goals that move you towards your success.

10 Ways to Maximize Your Income: Living paycheck to paycheck might be a reality for most people, but it does not have to be for you. Having a strategic financial plan gives you the ability to achieve more. The Comprehensive Asset Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) might be the tool you are looking for to maximize your income and achieve your goals.

10 Ways to Improve Your Retirement Planning: In today economy there are a number of pressure points that squeeze the life out of retirement savings. Although it is a difficult task to manage the external pressures, we can begin to learn and practice behaviors that ultimately position us to win from a financial perspective. Ten ways to improve your retirement planning is focused on providing you with practical behaviors that impact the planning process. It is often not how much you earn, but how you manage how much you earn that makes the difference.

10 Ways to Improve Your Goals: Ten ways to improve your goals provides you with a number of practical principles that will assist you in taking your ability to achieve your strategic goals to the next level. By understanding the cause and effect continuum and practicing the ten concepts that are consistent with high levels of achievement, you will learn new ways to think about and approach life. Any life plan faces challenges, so Ten ways to improve your goals gives you four axioms to help you change your thinking and overcome these challenges.

Reflections in Time: Echoes In The Mind Of A Poet: A collection of poems that captures the struggle of a young man who is transitioning from the teen years to adulthood. The poems written in this volume covers a wide variety of topics such as love, loneliness, faith, and others.

Poetry and Proverbs: Thoughts Of A Creative Intellectual: Written between 1991 and present, these poems and philosophical thoughts capture the emotional journey of the author through the up and downs of life. Many can relate to moments of joy and experiences of sorrow and sadness. Like most poetry, the real value of this material is under appreciated. However, if a reader looks behind the walls he or she has constructed to protect the soul, the value contained in this second book of poetry is immeasurable.

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